Frequently asked questions about transfer speeds for a seedbox
No. Currently we are running on Debian systems only. It is most stable, secure and supported...
Can I share my Seeedbox with my friend(s)?No. Practically that uses almost as much resources as there is users, due to increased addition...
Can i customize lighttpd config?Yes.Custom config should be added to .lighttpd/custom file. This file is preserved on server...
Do you allow public trackers?Yes, we do.You can freely use any public trackers or any torrent sites for your torrent downloads...
How can I avoid causing delays during the resync of a degraded HDD array?If you are experiencing lower than usual performance on your seedbox due to a degraded HDD array...
How can I upgrade/downgrade my Seedbox Service?Process is as follows:1) Order the new service2) Request from support data migration from old to...
How do I kill crashed rTorrent?Login via HTTP to your seedbox, on the welcome page there is "Restart rTorrent" button on the...
How do I troubleshoot a qBittorrent tab that is giving a 503 Service Not Available error?To troubleshoot a qBittorrent tab that is giving a 503 Service Not Available error, you can try...
How do I troubleshoot issues with accessing the qBittorrent tab on my seedbox?If you are experiencing issues accessing the qBittorrent tab on your seedbox, there are a few...
How do i add a magnet link torrent?You add a magnet link torrent like any torrent from URL.On add torrent view, just copy &...
How does the seedbox traffic limit work?Traffic limit is a set amount of data (usually in GiB) you can transmit over the past 30 days...
How much traffic can i expect to do in a month?It really depends on how, where and when you use your service. It is impossible to tell upfront,...
How to use RSS feature in ruTorrent?ruTorrent top bar has an icon, which looks a little bit like WIFI icon, for RSS feeds. This opens...
I have bad FTP speeds. Is there anything that can be done?Certainly! Use multiple simultaneous transfers (multithreading/multipart). You can setup this...
I need hosts file edited/"ip activated", can you do this?Definitely not! Short answer: Affects all users, borked 3rd party DNS is not our issue. Longer...
I need torrent client upload slots increased/other changes!!This is expressly forbidden! Peer counts, upload slots etc. are optimized to provide the best...
I would like to use transmission, is this possible?No, we do not currently allow transmission daemon with our seedboxes. Only rTorrent/ruTorrent is...
Is the upload rate capped?No, it is not capped or shaped by us, unless otherwise mentioned in the service (ie. 2009+...
Public HTTP directory?You can add publicly accessible, without password files to your folder: www/publicPHP is also...
Red arrow and Storage chunk errorYou may see in ruTorrent a red arrow appear, and you may see an error such as: Tracker Status:...
Seems my rTorrent crashes quite frequently!rTorrent is a little bit unstable software unfortunately. We have taken many steps to make sure...
Setting up SSH Key based authentication for passwordless loginsIt is fairly easy to setup an SSH key for passwordless logins. We recommend following this howto:...
Stuck/paused torrentstype screen -r rtorrent to restore rtorrentuse arrow keys to move to an affected torrentpush...
Torrents don't run! They remain paused / don't download!You are over quota. Check welcome / info tabs. Via shell you can do du -hsc in your home...
Tracker I use has IP based authentication, how can I authenticate seedbox IP with them?You will need to login to shell via SSH, under windows using program called Putty. There you can...
What can I do if my seedbox is not working or experiencing technical issues?If you are experiencing technical issues with your seedbox, you can contact Pulsed Media's...
What do I do if my seedbox is down and I can't access it?If your seedbox is down and you are unable to access it, the first thing you should do is check...
What is a seedbox?A seedbox is a high-bandwidth remote server that allows users to download and upload files from a...
What to do with stalled torrents?If your torrents have stalled there can be multitude of reasons for this.To solve stalled...
What torrent software will my shared seedbox have?All servers are setup with ruTorrent+rTorrent and Deluge, embedded into our master GUI. Other...
Why is there some torrents already on my new seedbox?We add a torrent or two such as CentOS, Debian or Ubuntu to all new accounts to verify everything...
rTorrent seems to be down / ruTorrent is giving an error to that directionThat means the rTorrent instance has crashed, or server has been rebooted. If rTorrent does not...
rTorrent won't start again. What can i do?Most likely rTorrent lock hasn't cleared, or in some cases DHT cache. This is easily done in...
ruTorrent not adding "added" time or "finished" time. RSS Feeds not updatingThis seems to be a bug with ruTorrent or rTorrent and has existed for more than a decade.The...