There was a mistake in calculations of percentage of reward, which resulted in some rare cases the bonus disk quota to be lowered instead of increased.
This came about in the last update to 50GiB per time limitation, so it only was happening for a few days, and only for a few users.
We have made the change that only 50GiB at once can be applied as bonus disk quota.
This is because some people would get up to a few TiB at once, and others on the server would not get anything.
This makes the increases more smooth and you will receive more stably over time, and everyone on the particular server gets their fair share :)
Brief update:
FREE Disk space: 234 532GiB (-8 548GiB)
Active Torrents: 86 382 (+3 224)
FREE Bonus disk space: 136 201GiB (+31 443GiB)
Since end of April we have almost doubled the amount of FREE bonus disk space given to our users!
We received this morning a significant DOS attack in terms of packages per second.The DC which hosts our web site & dns blocked our server in order to protect their network.Only our website and DNS were affected.We are still investigating this incident, but have already taken steps to minimize future impact if this kind of attack happens ... Læs mere »