The SFP+ modules we got were supposed to be Dell compliant - this was not the case, and the module is not working. We are trying to get a new module tomorrow, hopefully we can find a suitable module from local vendors.
New router arrived today, we will be testing it shortly, and hopefully taking it into production by tomorrow afternoon.
We are ordering a hardware router, a nice Dell PowerConnect L3 unit. It should arrive within 2 weeks. In the meantime, we will still try to solve the software router, but not keeping our hopes up for the moment. A LOT of disks arrived, which means after new switches has been configured we can roll out a lot of new nodes - however, we will ... Read More »
Router maintenance was completed and some speed increase was achieved. Unfortunately it was achieved in a unexpected way and we still consider performance suboptimal.
We will be looking into it again, and potentially changing to hardware router afterall.