We have updated SSD series to have triple the upload slots, and double the number of peers compared to HDD per allocation block.This should make SSD server performance more evident as the changes get applied over time. All new accounts will get the new settings, for rest it is enabled over time slowly.This means a standard 40G slot will get 54 ... Read More »
It seems some industrous folks are making an attack on our website, using the wordpress pingback feature for reflection.This caused intermittent issues as we worked to optimize things in the backend. Things are now functioning faster than ever despite attack still continuing.We still might need to do some more work to optimize things and get the ... Read More »
We have maxed out capacity AGAIN. Next upgrade will happen in a week.
So sorry we could not anticipate the required level correctly for this month.
Espoo to Helsinki datacenter move has been finished, all production servers has been moved and all but 1 are online. The last remaining node will be repaired and brought online tomorrow.