Super100 delivery delays

Sorry, we have not been able to setup new Super100 offers in couple of days as we are waiting for new nodes to arrive.

Usually new nodes will be ready within 24hrs, but the DC ran out of nodes so we must wait for new ones.

I know you guys are anxiously waiting, and we are hoping that backlog will be cleared by end of this week.

30th May 2013
Colocation storage server testing begun

After more than a month in waiting, finally the last of testing gear arrived. 3 big boxes of precious hardware. The two testing nodes are minimally configured. AMD 6core 3.3Ghz CPU, 8Gb DDR3 ECC, 5x3Tb Cuda, 1x256Gb SSD Cache, 2x32Gb SSD Boot drives, Highpoint raid controller for cache drives, basic RAID controller for the boot drives. Final ... Read More »

28th May 2013
PDS-2G and PDS-m2G

We restricted the sales of these 2 machines as so many of newly ordered machines were being used as a Seedbox, despite this model not being suitable for this usage.

If you still want one, and can assure us it's not to be used as a seedbox, please open a sales ticket.

23rd May 2013
Reliability benefits of our own hardware, potential additional features

Reliability benefits of our own hardware With our own hardware we can provide things which were not previously possible. Reliability will be vastly increased, some will be realized immediately upon transfer, some will be realized over time. The instant benefits are: Data redundancy: 99% of data loss cases should be eradicated, all servers ... Read More »

22nd May 2013