Today we are going to do maintenance on multiple parts. The primary router will be changed to more suitable hardware, this will result in approximate 45mins downtime. Basicly we are downgrading it. Yes, downgrading. We over configured the gateway by vast margin, which results in more expensive, more power hungry than required, we will do a tiny ... Læs mere »
ZoL refuses to use the cache drives, and for some reason even magnetic drives are performing abysmally on the storage server, so we are going on-site to reboot the machine and see if we can get that custom kernel going on for extra performance. New hardware for new storage nodes are on order and will arrive by late next week, until more ... Læs mere »
PDS14 setups will take atleast several weeks right now, and the amount of backorders is only estimated to grow over time. Things are still so much work in progress that we cannot setup new machines any faster :( We already maxed out parts of the infrastructure and have to beef it up before new machines can be setup. That is going to happen ... Læs mere »
Maintenance over.
In the end we reverted back to old config, as iscsitarget was not providing the performance excepted and several authentication issues.
We will be looking at alternative options, but for the time being, storage will remain in configuration freeze, now changes will be made for a while to it.