10G Shared seedboxes in beta testing

We have a new 10G Seedbox offer under beta testing.

This series uses a new server model as well 10G Uplinks. These servers should be easier to maintain and easier to extend capabilities in future.

Look at all the specifics, and grab a beta test slot at: https://pulsedmedia.com/m10g-seedbox.php

25th Oct 2018
Billing system minor issues corrected

There was some minor issues with billing system since ~17:10 GMT. This was caused by backups filling the partition which is utilized also by temporary templating files.

This caused that a lot of empty emails were mailed out, and some pages not loading properly.

This issue has been fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience.

7th Oct 2018
Beta testing seedbox auctions

We have been beta testing reverse auctions for seedboxes. So far the results are quite good.

Check them out at: http://pulsedmedia.com/seedbox-auctions.php

28th Sept 2018
Blog offline, work in progress

The company we used for hosting the blog has closed down business and thus our blog is down right now.We used a 3rd party we did not use for anything else for distributing services around for emergency situations, and this company we used for the webhosting was not profitable and has closed their doors.We are trying to get the latest copy without ... Read More »

22nd Sept 2018