There are some regressions with Debian 11 support.
Such as some PHP modules missing, some times traffic is over counted and during upgrade first shot rtorrent doesn't seem to compile correctly (or order upgrade is incorrect).
We are looking into it.
UPDATE: Bulk of regressions ought to be fixed now, none known currently.
Several bug fixes done, and Debian 11 is now moved to "in production" qualification.
No stable release yet. Several production servers have been put online so far.
This works partially on Debian 12 too. This is completely in testing, and presume you will break your system when you do this.You should probably be running the latest version of PMSS first as well. Your Mileage Will Vary! Stable release is on the horizon, you might do well waiting for that. Install on Fresh Minimal Debian 11: wget -qO ... Читать далее »
There was temporary DNS issue where our master nameserver was not reachable by the global cluster. This has been fixed now, and services are resolving again. However some people might have caching issues, and you might need to force refresh for quicker resolution. Some ISPs also ignore DNS zone settings / RFC and caches longer than they are ... Читать далее »