As older nodes can be finally shutdown, the real consumption difference is finally happening.
Part of the reason is less cooling required during winter, but most of this is about the server upgrades.

So we have already managed a whopping -54,4% reduction in power consumption, but our work is far from finished yet.

Electricity prices are skyhigh right now, we are fully expecting to reach record costs for December, January, February consecutively, March might see some leveling off.
At current rates our electrical cost is expected to be roughly 30% of our net revenue for the month of December, January and February could reach as high as 70% and March would probably be around 50%
Without all these efforts to lower power consumption month of December could already see electricity cost alone reaching approximately 65-70% of our net revenue, and months of January & February expected to be 140-150%, March around 110% of net revenue.

Current figures, parenthesis from last announcement and from the first publication of these metrics:
8.67W/user (-1,28W, -4,7W)
2.26W/TiB Storage (-0.21W, -1.13W)
3.75W/TiB Allocated storage (+0,96W, +0.34W)

Power per TiB allocation has increased so dramatically due to all the unused capacity right now. As migrations progress this number will get lower.

Only new server metrics currently, parenthesis is comparison to all servers:
6.85W Per User (-1.82W)
1.95W Per TiB of Storage (-0.31W)

Older servers to be migrated metrics, parenthesis comparison to new servers:
11.42W Per User (+4,57W)
3.12W Per TiB of Storage (+1.17W)

So clearly there is still a lot of optimization work to be done.

As soon as users are migrated to newer hardware we will start thinking about how our future service lineup will look like.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

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