Due to network congestion we had to do the very hard choice of limiting sales of both Dragon-R and M10G series for this time.

Transit upgrades have been ordered many months ago, and we are still waiting for the deployment for the additional transit capacity. Essentially our transit capacity 95th % usage percentile is now day after day above 85%.
Our plan is to increase transit capacity by roughly 70% in a single a go.

During the past year the amount of network capacity being utilized has dramatically increased for various reasons, so despite this upgrade process was already started now roughly 8 months ago we have essentially got our links bottlenecked.
Rest assured, we are doing everything we can to hurry the transit upgrades.

Until that happens we are saddened to say that we must limit Dragon-R and M10G sales due.

We hope to have this situation fixed within couple of weeks.

Lunes, Febrero 1, 2021

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