Rather expectedly that one specific server model has been having cooling issues again.

We have talked about it before at http://pulsedmedia.com/clients/announcements.php?id=435 and http://pulsedmedia.com/clients/announcements.php?id=430

We have a list of priority fix nodes which we will begin working on within a couple of weeks. The issue is no where as bad as year ago, as we are now catching this early on. It's mainly a few random crashes here and there, and lower than expected performance in some others. Most of those with failing remote management has also been already replaced a long time ago.

If you suspect your server is one of those affected, please contact support and we can have a look. the specific server model affected by this is all running 6core Opteron CPUs to distinguish quickly, either 24GB or 48GB ram and 4 drives, 1Gbps connectivity.

We just purchased nearly 500 copper heatsinks to start installing on these, and waiting for their arrival to Finland :) Once we have received them we will start working on larger batches. All servers will be individually noticed about maintenance when it is happehning.

Lunedì, Mag 20, 2019

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