Setting up BTSync in our Seedbox service is fairly trivial and easy.

At it's simplest it only requires this when logging to shell:

tar -zxvf stable
./btsync --dump-sample-config > sync.conf
(copy the generated password on clipboard for putting it into the config)

vim sync.conf
Edit the config file as necessary, :wq to write + quit at the end, enter into insert mode by pressing insert key, esc to exit insert mode
Set the port to something other than default for the webui
REMEMBER to set username + password (hash) and disable login without password

./btsync --config sync.conf

then open your browser at the server url & defined port, login by using the credentials you put into the conf file and setup your shared folders :)

We will provide everything ready to go in a future PMSS release, but if you need the feature right now, it's this simple!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

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