It's time to make a clarification to the Prorata rules, in regards of latest campaigns.

First of all, easiest is to give prorata as credit. Note Credit is NON-REFUNDABLE. So many people ask us to send back the credit sum - but we are not a bank and we have never promised this service. Further there are potential money launderings laws etc. which are concerned in these things, as refunding credit equals to money service business. Bottomline, we will not ever refund or send your credit balance to anywhere.

Prorata as credit is quickest to calculate, and you can choose what you spend it for.
However, transfer of time is also available upon request.

When can you get prorata?
When you UPGRADE plan value (price) wise. No other circumstances.
Not when opening a new service with a coupon code, or downgrading to smaller service.

You are on Value Small @ 9.99€ per month, and you take Value Starter with 10% discount code: No prorata, this is a downgrade.

Example 2:
You are on Value Starter @ 7.49€ per month, and you take Value Small @ 9.99€ a month for upgrade: You can get prorata. Just request via billing if this is what you want.

Example 3:
You are on Value Starter @ 7.49€ per month, and you take Value Starter @ 6.99€ and 20% discount for 5.59€ monthly pricing. No prorata, this is a downgrade value wise.


Service pricing changes

Service prices change all the time, today we also change it based on available free slots, not just what servers, bandwidth etc. cost today.
General trend is downwards per Gb of storage, less so on bandwidth. However, there is a absolute maximum of how many users can be put on a single server.

We have a lot of users. This means if we change the price lower by 1€ for the most popular service - you will not get auto-adjusted, because this would mean quickly VERY big changes in overall sales in a month: We simply would not have a budget for this.
Further, the server you are on has not become any cheaper, the newer servers might be cheaper - the cost of operation for your service has not changed, but for future ones it may have changed.

Same goes vice-versa, if we increase the pricing, almost no one would accept this if auto-adjusted, many cancellations would occur, many complaints etc. So why would you demand lower pricing when prices fluctuate, when you are not ready to accept increase in pricing for the very same reasons?

Hence, all pricing is grandfathered. It will remain the same as when you ordered the service.

Most of the time lower pricing and special campaigns etc. are mostly about getting new users in, more we grow, more we can afford scale of mass kind of benefits, ie. our own DC, and more internal traffic will happen there the more users there are.

These are also some of the reasons that prorata is not available on downgrades.

Monday, September 8, 2014

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