We have progressed slightly in taking new servers into production.

There is now also first dedicated server delivered, and some servers for seedboxes for a total of 5 servers in production now.

We are already seeing peaks of about 300Mbps and 30+ kpps on network side, this was with just 3x100Mbps servers on production. Our gateway is performing admirably, at those rates CPU idle sitting nicely at very near 100% or at 100% :) Wonder what happens when dynamic routing is enabled, but even then this gateway should be capable of sustaining 20Gbps+

Storage server there was a suprise, CPU was maxing out, and this is not a slow CPU either, but it was quickly figured out why and fixed.

Currently there is 16.5T allocated from the storage. New storage nodes + drives are already in order.

Friday, July 12, 2013

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