Catching up fast!

As many of you know, we had a huge backlog, but we've been catching up really fast and are now at roughly 60% completion on 2009+ transfers & setups. We still need something like 10 more servers to finish completely, but we are now quite close to reaching 100%!

Fast tracking Pulsed Media

Behind the scenes has been happening A LOT during the past couple weeks. Really A LOT!

One of the most important that Aleksi (I) is now working almost full time on Pulsed Media, and that helps a lot! There will be constant backend enhancements, service structure polishing etc.

We are still quite overwhelmed with tasks due to the backlog but it's now easing fast, and being catch up.

2010 Provider

They are unwilling to refund us, even at best partially. Which practically is fraud in EU law. We are still hoping for resolution, but we might need to take legal action. We've yet to see a single dime back from 2010, not even for the undelivered servers.

Суббота, Апрель 3, 2010

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