IRC Support etiquette

People should familiriaze themselves with IRC etiquette and how the medium functions.
Good places to start is:

So in short:

  • Be polite
  • Be patient. IRC is not an instant medium despite it looks like it (See IRC Idling)
  • Do not send personal messages to obviously busy people (ie. PM Staff), they tend to hate it
  • Don't ask your question and drop off 3 minutes after: You will never get an answer like that (See Be Patient). Most people do this, we are not watching 24/7 every single minute of the day if somebody happens to ask a question.
  • Ask your general questions in public chat, if it's a private/per account question, ticket is the only proper way
  • PM Staff gets constantly the same basic questions again and again, worst of all: In private messages. Ask in channel and/or see KB/Wiki. SEE the two points above this.
  • IRC is to hang around and to chit-chat with fellow PM users, not meant as the official support channel. Altho, most likely you will get your questions answered there if asked in public and you are patien. SEE ALL above points.
  • Most people keep IRC open 24/7 and checks what's going on a few times per day, or maybe even just every other day.
So please, come in IRC and hang around, but please be mindful to the proper IRC etiquette. In your seedbox account your irssi is already set to join the channel, and you can use screen to keep it open, and see what was going on while you were AFK (Away From Keyboard).

יום רביעי, ספטמבר 26, 2012

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