Logo Competition

As you have surely noticed by now, we have utter lack of a logo. It's simply the text "Pulsed Media" in Arial right now. So we are introducing a cool Logo competition!

Winner will take 2 months 2009+ Large shared seedbox service! How cool is that, 69,90€ value!

Our vision for logo is a cool futuristic text going slightly upwards to the left, with a line going slightly under it on the same line and expanding rings around the line, representing a pulse. What is your vision? Show us!

Format requirements
We require 1-color vector version and stylized raster graphics version of atleast 500 by 500 pixels size canvas, preferrably 1000 by 500 pixels sized, where canvas is filled as much as possible. The size ratio should be around 1.6 (golden cut), along with other lines closing or at golden cut.

Styles preferred
New media, what else? ;)
If you want examples, join us at IRC or watch this space for collection.

Valid until
1st of July, or as soon as a winner is found. If no solid candidate is found deadline will be pushed further or a professional graphic designer hired.

Who are eligible?
Everyone except Pulsed Media/NuCode staff and their families.

Open a ticket at sales@pulsedmedia.com with URLs to the images or upload the urls on the ticket submission.

Rights to the submission
We withhold the right to show your submission publicly, and to anyone interested in order to rank the best or hold a public voting of the winner.

Rights to the final product
We will hold all rights to the final product after choosing winner.

Known well supported formats are a must.
* Vector version, with real vector graphics (This is to be used as letterhead etc.)
* Rasterized version must be supplied in Adobe Photoshop format and as a high resolution PNG or JPEG.
Basicly something we can use in both print and online medias.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

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