There was some issues remaining on some of the nodes, for example crontab information missing for a lot of users. For example this crontab issue will be addressed on next PMSS update, and as per tickets arise.

There's been also lighttpd configuration errors etc. For example an placeholder page. If you are having a placeholder page, try force refresh. If that does not help contact support.

So if you are having somekind of trouble with your service - anykind please do not hesitate to contact

Web proxy is currently disabled due to security concerns, after these has been addressed the proxy will be restored. In the meantime you can use SSH Socks5 proxy. If you need help setting that up, you can contact support.

Please remember that support is there to help you, but we cannot help you unless you let us know there is an issue. So e-mail!

Martes, Noviembre 29, 2011

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