We are excited to announce that we have increased the maximum amount of funds that can be added to your account. Due to inflation and the changing nature of our services, which now focus more than before on high-end dedicated servers with 10G networks, we felt it was necessary to update our limits.

You can now add up to 1000€ with a single invoice and the maximum balance for credits is now 5000€. This will allow you to easily automate your invoice payments upfront and ensure that your services remain uninterrupted.

We encourage you to take advantage of this feature by visiting our client area at https://pulsedmedia.com/clients/clientarea.php?action=addfunds and adding funds to your account today.

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to serving your hosting needs in the future.

Dinsdag, Januari 10, 2023

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